Saturday, April 25, 2009


This is Ava in her "set" position. She gets set and keeps saying "set" until you say go. Then she sprints from one side of the yard to the other. (The fence is always the starting line and the finishing line.) Today she must have run back and forth 20 times before we made her stop.

Here she is running. She loves it. Track future maybe?
And, of course, she always beats her daddy! Also, today she dribbled her basketball (one handed) 9 times!


Ava decided to hide in the azaleas...

then pop out after you say "where is Ava." This is one of her favorite games, but the flowers did add another dimension.

Another of her favorite things is seeing how fast she can run from you and cross the street to climb the hill in the neighbors' yard. This, of course, is a very dangerous-seeming game, but we do live on a cul-de-sac.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Super Bulldog

We took Ava to Starkvile Saturday for Super Bulldog Weekend. Here she is at the baseball game. She didn't exactly sit still for the game. She and Michael made a few laps around the stadium and ran some hills. Later she went to the Maroon vs. White spring game and did a little better sitting through the game with some entertainment from gigi and granpa.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009

Checking out what the Easter Bunny left.
This is a doll I had when I was little that she found at my parents' house. It's been affectionately named "big baby". She had to carry it everywhere and tell everybody "babee, babee". It's almost as big as she is.

Easter Egg Hunt

We had our own little egg hunt in my parents' backyard. Ava loves finding eggs.

I love my Gigi!

Carousel, etc.

We went to The Delta Children's Museum Carousel on Saturday and they had special Easter activities. The carousel is from 1901 and is the same one that was at Fairyland Park when I was little. It has been restored and is one of only 2 that exist in the United States (the other is in Maine). Ava was obviously very good at the bean bag egg toss.

It started off good....

then it started moving. She was reaching for anyone that would get her off that thing!

After being traumatized by the moving carousel, this really scary Easter Bunny appeared. I was a little scared of him, too. She screamed bloody murder when he tried to approach her.
She loved this horse and kept hugging and kissing it.

Ava's Tree

The last time Ava spent the week with Gigi and Granpa they planted a tree for Ava. Here's her little tree.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ready for Easter!

She wore her Easter Bunny shirt Meme gave her to school today.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

mowing the yard

Ava helped her daddy mow the grass today.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Just hanging out in the yard on a Saturday afternoon. We colored eggs and hid and found them at Summer and Autumn's house this morning, but of course I forgot to take my camera. Ava really enjoys "ess". Check out her new sandals!

Ever climbing whatever is handy.
Ava on poop patrol.