Sunday, October 28, 2012

Ellie-pup update

We went to visit Ellie at The Mississippi State Vet School where she has been in ICU since the night of October 16. Ellie had a cervical spine tumor debulked by the neurosurgeons at State mid August and has been recovering well until she was started on her chemotherapy regime. It was supposed to be a low dose and not even cause side effects to add a little length to her life. Unfortunately, our vet gave her a much higher (leathal) dose than she was supposed to recieve. Ellie was admitted to the vet school with virtually no white blood cells, platelets, or new red blood cells. No one really expected her to make it through this, but she has kept fighting and has responded well to the invented therapy since there was no documented treatment for a chemo overdose of this magnitude. Her white blood cell count is currently normal and she is no longer in isolation. Her platelet and red blood cells are being manufactured again, and barring anymore complications, we will bring her home on Tuesday. We are very hopeful. It was good to have the whole family together again for a little while today!
This was a picture of her when she wasn't doing very well in her crate in the ICU. The staff at State were very good about calling with updates and texting pictures.

House update

 These were taken Saturday, October 27.


 Michael and I went to Scottsdale and Tucson, Arizona last week. We hiked a different mountain trail every day once I finished class. (I was there for education). The weather was great and our resort was really nice. We enjoyed pool time and I even got a massage at the resort spa. We had every meal outside. I discovered that mexican food doesn't have to make you feel greasy and gross. It was an extremely relaxing week (except for the punishment on the legs!)


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Deep Ava Kathryn

We see bees everywhere. Why don't we see beehives? (Asked while gazing out her car window)

Friday, October 5, 2012

visiting Fort Leavenworth

 Ava loves Shelby. She was so excited when Tracy let her walk her. We went to about 10 different playgrounds on post. They even had a bowling alley we took her to. It had such an adorable quaint small town feel. Would be a great place to raise a family!

She got to watch the Shrek trilogy while she was hanging with Tracy and we were gone to the concert.

Legoland, Florence + the Machine, and Kansas

 We went to Kansas to visit my sister Tracy. She took us to Kansas City (MO) to legoland.
 On Tracy's front porch at Fort Leavenworth before the concert.
 Front row at the Florence and the Machine her!!!!
 How cool is the harp???!!!!!!
 Yea giant legos!
 Kansas city night skyline in legos
 The amphitheater we went to both in legos and real life. It was a very cool place.

Building update

 A week late on this, but here it is. All slab poured except screened-in porch. This view is from the back. Hopefully framing begins early next week.
I don't know why we bother with sites are so much funner! You can also see the bracelet (shrinky dinks) we made that morning--she didn't want to get it dirty.