Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Snow Day 2015

 It's been snowing nonstop for about 6.5 hours here. So far we have gotten about 8 inches with no sign of slowing down. We actually all got to come home and play in it this afternoon.

 Running start on the snow tube!
 The lake in front of our house
 Michael setting the record for furthest sled down the hill in our backyard.

Ava had a blast!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Orange Bowl

 Even though we lost, Michael and I had a great time in Florida and attending the Orange Bowl. Hailstate!!


December Trip to Nashville

 We spent a weekend in December to take AK to the Nutcracker and see family. She loves the Nutcracker, but she likes spending time with her cousins more. Here she is right before we left town with 2 of her cousins (and Uncle Wayne with the photobomb).

 Apparently, she is an excellent rock climer!


                                                            First day skiing with poles

Steamboat Springs

We took AK to Steamboat this year. She had such a great time skiing. She was dressed before 7am and always wanted to be the last off the mountain each day. She wants to know why we can't move there so she can ski every day after school. She also got poles this year after day 3 (which was a huge deal for a status symbol for little kids, I guess!) She became pretty good at skiing moguls and got to ski through a half pipe several times.
We waited in this position several hours before another skier came by to take this picture. (JK!)