Saturday, July 26, 2008

Leaping for leaves

Ellie and Emma have finally given up the dream of hunting in large fields. If you can't hunt...prune!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Duck, Duck, Ava

If only they made animal towels in adult sizes...


The purple girls

"Uncle Mikey" goofing around with our niece, Olivia

Ava with her "Pa" at the Vanderbilt Plaza.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Williamsburg Wedding

Definitely the best way to enjoy Colonial Williamsburg when the temperature is in the mid 90s.

More waffles please!

Ava and Michael in the historic Wren Chapel on the campus of William and Mary College. Our cousin CJ was married there. (June 21, 2008)

"I'll have another!" (at the reception at Shields Tavern in Colonial Williamsburg.)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

4th of July

We spent the 4th of July at Aunt Rose and Uncle Don's house in Tupelo. It was the most romantic cookout we've ever attended since we at by candlelight due to the power outage. We had fun playing outdoor games with our cousins. Mema provided optimal seating for a special spectator.

Agile Baby

After watching the pups train on the agility equipment, Ava figured she would give it a try.

Ava's First Beach Trip

The end of June we took our trip to Destin and exposed Ava to sand and water for the first time. She learned that sand in the eyes is pretty painful.

Ava would fall asleep in her daddy's arms everytime we would walk on the beach.