Saturday, June 9, 2012

No Training Wheels Required

 She just decided to take off without training wheels, and a lightbulb must have gone off. She took off and hasn't stopped since. As soon as she started riding she was singing this song: "I'm riding my bike without training wheels!" Imagine a catchy little tune. She has a song for all occasions. Pawpaw, I guess she is already training for the next bike rodeo!

End of the School Year

 AK's class put on the cutest program. She was the farmer's wife and sang "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". The whole class did such a great job!
After the program, they had a preschool graduation. Only 5 from their class will actually be going on to Kindergarten, so it seemed a little silly. They were really cute, though.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Family Scrapbook Weekend!

 It's that time of year again when all the scrappers in my family get together to hang out, share ideas, eat, and of course produce several scrapbook pages! AK has gotten the bug and wanted to work on her pages all weekend...thanks to her excellent tutor, cousin Rebekah.
 Gigi and Aunt Tracy
 Lindsay and Megan
 Sarah and Aunt Deborah
A sample of what I was working on all weekend which was all Disney.