Sunday, March 30, 2014

Weekend fun

 first snow cone of the year at Dudy Noble Field
Water Balloons!!!

Friday, March 28, 2014

First Swim in the Pool!

The Kindergarten Play

 Look at "The Lovely Garbage Truck"!! My adorable little waste manager!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

AK went to the annual St. Paddy's Day party at the Delta Room and sang and danced all night. She made lots of new friends!

Spring Break

 We spent the week with the twins, Aunt Tracy, Gigi, and Grandpa. We finally got to meet the babies (William and Brady).
 Ava loving to help with baby Brady
 Happy play time
 Gigi with all of her grandchildren
 We managed to go out to a restaurant
 AK helped Grandpa plant trees for the babies like he did when she was a baby. Now her tree has gotten huge!!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Panda Pride

Ava Kathryn was selected to received the honor of Panda Pride for the 3rd nine weeks (it's kind of like a star student and good behavior) for Kindergarten at her school. We went to watch their awards ceremony Friday afternoon. She was excited to see us there. We are so proud.


 She likes speed.
 Ava's on top of the world with her Daddy's polls. She had major poll envy.

The world's largest half-pipe built for the Burton Open in March.

Hello from Vail

 Ava's second ski trip. She did really well and seemed to pick up where she left off last year. She was so excited to ski. She was even more excited about playing in the snow and ice skating.

 Resting on her "snow pillow"
 carrying her skis like a pro!
 Fun on the gondola with us
Nothing is more fun than swimming during a blizzard throwing snow balls!