Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

The Easter Bunny did come. Ava was so excited that she jumped right up this morning at 7 to see what he brought her.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Carnival

Today we went to the country club for the Easter Carnival. Ava got to see the Easter Bunny, get her face painted, play games, eat, watch a magic show, and hunt eggs. Lots of fun...really hot!

Examing her take.


Egg toss with Daddy

We stopped by to cheer up Autumn before we went since she broke her leg. They are so sweet together.


Ava had a great time dyeing Easter eggs this year. When she was coloring the pink egg, she proclaimed " is soooo precious!" Her favorite part was mixing all the colors and creating new ones. I think she has a little Pawpaw (the chemist) in her!

This is what she did when I said hold up your eggs for a picture!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Diggin in the Dirt

What is more fun than digging in the dirt? We had fun planting flowers Sunday. Ava had a personal dirt pile that she played in. Before planting in the pots, we buried Easter eggs in the dirt. Who knew how much fun they are to find when you dig through dirt to find them?
This is Ava's daisy she picked out and planted. We'll see how long it lives!
Emma and Ellie are loving this weather. Lots of birds, bugs, and geese(that's another story) to chase!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Ava went to baby Chase's first birthday party today. They had a monkey egg hunt. Here she is excitedly finding a dollar in one of her eggs...then the silliness began.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Turning Cartwheels

Ava has been practicing her carwheels off and on. Tonight was the first time she was able to finish on her feet (she usually lands on her knees). This was after a satisfying game of who can toss the bowling pin closest to the bowling ball. Hope everyone is enjoying the fabulous spring weather!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hey y' this!

We have definitely enjoyed the spring weather this weekend. I took Ava to see Hop on Saturday then we spent some time at the park. Today we hung out in the backyard. She invented sleeping-bag-slide before we got the bouncy castle out. She can now spell red, blue, no, little, and all of the children's names in her class at school. She has learned the sounds for all of the letters and can sound out some words.