Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day

It's Santa Claus! (ho, ho, ho)

Ava really enjoyed playing with all her new toys!

She got to top it all off with her new favorite meal...Gigi's spaghetti!

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve in Greenville is always at my parents' house. My dad's family comes over and we have the traditional spaghetti and lasagna.

The cookies were made...
The stockings were hung...
and after bedtime stories...twas all a good night!

Arriving in G'ville

We got to Greenville on the 23rd. Ava got to learn how to avoid floor furnaces and how to play the drums (both very important lessons).

"The little drummer baby"

Saturday, December 20, 2008

New Wheels!

Since we are going to Greenville for Christmas, we didn't want to lug her cozy coupe all the way there. So, Santa dropped it off in Tupelo early. She loves her new car. It's so much fun to open and shut the door and honk the horn!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

First trip to the zoo

We spent Sunday afternoon at the zoo in Nashville. It was Ava's first trip to the zoo. She loved it! Unfortunately, it was too cold for all the animals to be out, so she missed out on some.

Topping the list of her favorites were these monkeys. She was fascinated and loved watching them climb, jump, and play with each other.

Her other favorites were these elephants. When we left them she was blowing them kisses and telling them bye bye. (pictured below)